150th Year Celebration

When: August 23-25, 2024
Where: Eden Mennonite Church | Get directions

Step 1: RSVP for the 150th Celebration

Fill out the online form here to let us know you’re coming!

See available seminars

Step 2: Reserve OR Purchase Meals Online

We offer two different options to pay for your meal. You can choose to either reserve your meals and then pay for them at the door, or purchase your meals online.

Step 3: Donate to the 150th Year Celebration

We welcome your financial support as we coordinate and put on the various aspects of the 150th Year Celebration. To donate, click to follow the link below.

150th Steering Committee:
Danielle Goering, Rick Krehbiel, Eugene Goering, Kathy Goering

Swiss Volhynian Mennonite Stories:

Send anecdotes from past years to Brian Adams and Casey Adams to compile a book of stories for the 150th celebration to preserve for future generations to appreciate.  smolts123@yahoo.com or cpadams992@gmail.com.

Old Photos Wanted

At the celebration, Don Kaufman and Larry Stucky are requesting pictures of ancestors and families to display.  Visitors will appreciate viewing these brave immigrants who came before us.  Please identify people and places in the picture.  Pictures taken 1924 or earlier may be scanned and sent to donbon@mtelco.net or cstucky@mtelco.net.

Self-Guided Tour – The Path Immigrants took from Halstead to the Immigrant House

Brian Stucky has made available a script of the trek in 1874 from Halstead to the Immigrant House by Hopefield Church by Moundridge, Kansas.  He has very specific instructions and maps to show the 14-mile trip that you can take now in your car. You can make a copy of the directions, link here, and follow that historical trip.

A Place to Stay

If you are coming from out of town and wondering where you might stay, Peter Preheim (214-533-9329 or pvheim@gmail.com) is developing a list of area hotel/motel/b&bs that we will add here soon. Also if you have space in your home for several visitors that weekend, E. Fred Goering is gathering that information and helping match these arrangements. If you are willing to be a host to a visiting family, contact E. Fred Goering at 620-345-9890 or fredgoering65@gmail.com.