The Swiss Mennonite Cultural & Historical Association


Mark your calendars for the SMCHA Annual Meeting!

When: Sunday, March 9, 2025
Where: TBD

About Us

Centennial Memorial

The Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association (SMCHA) is a nonprofit organization comprising descendants of immigrant Mennonites who came to the USA in the 1870s from what is now the Ukraine. Their ancestors originated in Switzerland passing through many countries in Europe including France, Germany, Austria and Poland on their way to the Ukraine.

Major purposes of the SMCHA are to educate descendants of the Swiss Mennonites on the origin and culture of this group through various cultural events, research activities, maintenance of historic places, etc. There are several thousand of such descendants, many of them located in central Kansas, South Dakota, and other mid-western states.

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The interior of a museum

Interested in donating to the Immigrant House Building Fund?

Funds will be put toward the Immigrant House museum project to preserve the Swiss Mennonite culture for future generations.

Donate Here

Heritage Hall Museum and Archives

Heritage Hall Museum & Archives

Lured by the Homestead Act of 1862, and in search of freedom and opportunity, Germans-from-Russia immigrants from Amish, Hutterite, Lutheran, Mennonite and Reformed backgrounds – and others – began arriving in southeastern Dakota Territory starting in the 1870s. They brought with them their religious traditions, strong work ethic and determination. They persevered,  not only surviving […]

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