Centennial Memorial Commemorative Program

Commemorative Program

August 30 – September 2, 1974

Inside Front Cover
WELCOME! We extend a cordial welcome to each of you and invite you to attend any or all centennial activities. We trust that you will find the activities interesting, the fellowship renewing, and the entire experience a blessing. The festival should be a happy occasion–a celebration. We hope that you will join heartily–with heart, strength and mind–in praise of God for the blessings of the past century, and in expressing appreciation for the political and religious liberties and economic opportunities present, and the peace, order and tranquility of this quiet community. We owe a debt of gratitude to the pioneers for the rich heritage given us. We encourage you to become involved in the activities, to enjoy the good food, including the tasty dishes like “Bona Beroggi,” “Mak Kuchen,” to worship with us on Sunday morning at 10 a.m., and share in the dedication service at 2: 30 p.m. on Sept. 1. Have a good day–the kind that you will treasure as a milestone in your life. Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Assoc. Harley J. Stucky, President

Schedule of Events

Friday, August 30–Pretty Prairie
Afternoon and evening exhibits and activities

Parade at 5:00 p.m.
Evening variety program 8 p.m. Saturday, August 31–Moundridge
6:00 a.m. Pilgrimage Hike–Halstead to Immigrant House (Memorial Site)

8:00 a.m. Exhibits open at the Hopefield Church and Centennial Memorial Site

10:00 a.m. Centennial Parade

11:00 a.m. Demonstration of pioneer activities at Hopefield Church–hog butchering–cheese making–poppy seed roll baking–soap making, etc.
11 a.m. Bake Sale

11:30 a.m. “City of Richmond” commemorative arrival in New York

11:45-1:30 Noon Meal

1:00 p.m. Threshing Demonstrations

1:30 p.m. Threshing bee and other activities

2:45 p.m. Hog Butchering

3:00 p.m. Walking Plow contest

4:00 p.m. Tractor Pulling contest

6:00 p.m. Senior Citizens dinner and variety program

8:00 p.m. Centennial Drama “We Shall Be One” given by Hoffnungsau drama group (will be given outdoors, weather permitting) Sunday, September 1
9:30 a.m. Memorial Service at Hopefield Cemetery

10:00 a.m. Union Worship Services in the tent

2:30 p.m. Dedication of Memorial Marker

4:30 p.m. Pioneer costume revue

8:00 p.m. Centennial Drama “We Shall Be One” given by Hoffnungsau drama group (will be given outdoors, weather permitting) Monday, September 2
9:00 a.m. Tours will be arranged to visit points of historic interest.

9:00 a.m. Centennial clean-up begins.

Sunday, September 1, 9:30 a.m. This is an attempt to remember the pioneers who came on the “City of Richmond” and others in the cemeteries of the cooperating churches.

Hymn–“Uplift the Song of Praise”
J. Hobart Goering, Ervin Krehbiel
Elmer Goering, Dan Kaufman
Memorial Remarks
Rev. Peter Goering
Lehigh, Kansas
Memorial Prayer
Edwin R. Stucky
Moundridge, Kansas

The following memorials have been established:

In memory of REV. and MRS. C. J. GOERING

by the C. J. Goering family; (Dan R. Goering)

In memory of MR. and MRS. JOE D. C. GOERING

by the children: (Milton W. Goering)

In memory of REV. and MRS. JOHN C. GOERING

by the Goering family


by Eric Goering

In memory of MR. JONAS J. GOERING

by Mrs. Wm. E. Juhnke

In memory of MR. and MRS. JONATHAN R.GOERING

by P. J. Goering, Jacob L. Goering, Dan J. Goering,
 Mrs. Wm. J. Ortman, Mrs. Willard E. Wedel, Mrs. H. A. Krehbiel

by Marguerite Goering Meisenheimer, Clifford G. Goering,
 Milford W. Goering and Gordon D. Goering

Continued on page 12

Sunday, September 1, 10:00 a.m.

Connie Wedel
Bethel Student

Eden Men’s Chorus

Andrew Shelly,Pastor, Hopefield Mennonite Church, Moundridige
Worship Leader

Harley J. Stucky
President, Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Assn.


CONGREGATIONALHYMN” Ich Weiss Einen Strom” Jona Baltzer,
High School Vocal Music Teacher, Song Leader

CONVERSATION: The significance of Christ’s Life as related to the
faith of the early settlers in America. Walter Neufeld,Pastor
Eden Mennonite Church, Moundridge; James Gingerich,
Pastor, First Mennonite Church of Christian, Moundridge

“Holy God, We Praise Thy Name”

James Gingerichand Walter Neufeld
Recognition of our failures and affirmation of our heritage

Peter Funk
Pastor, Kingman Mennonite Church, Kingman

Peter Voran
Pastor, First Mennonite Church, Pretty Prairie

Kingman Men’s quartet

To be divided equally between MCC and Centennial Fund


Andrew R. Shelly

SERMON “What Fruits of Good Roots”
Erland Waltner
Mennonite Biblical Seminary


CONVERSATION “Our Dedication in the Future” James Gingerich, Walter Neufeld
O God, our gracious father, as we look at the background and varied experiences of which we are made, we can see that there is reason for repentance, for reflection, for dreaming and rejoicing. We praise You for our success and victories and pray for our weaknesses and failures. We ask your forgiveness for the golden calves of pride, materialism, and self-sufficiency, that we have raised up for our worship–and for all those things which have deterred the fulfillment of Your will and purpose in us. As You forgive us, send us also a new joy, and a new appreciation of our heritage of faith. Truly we have much to celebrate as sons and daughters of forefathers, and of You–for through Christ we have become the recipients of Your treasurehouse of spiritual gifts. We pray that this whole centennial experience will provide for us a new prophetic insight and stance, so that the gifts You have showered upon us will become real in the experience of all mankind. As every person is born a cocoon, with the potential of becoming a beautiful butterfly, so help us as a people to break out of ourselves, unfold our wings, and come alive! We have the most beautiful gift in the world; the Love of Christ–help us to live and to share it! Amen.

Andrew R. Shelly


Sunday, September 1, 2:30 P.m.

Kathryn Voran
First Mennonite Church, Pretty Prairie

HYMN–“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”

Rev. Joe Chapman
First Mennonite Church, Burns

Rev. Ernest Porzelius
First Mennonite Church, McPherson

William Juhnke

REMARKS–“Glimpses of Swiss (Volhynian) History”
Dr. Martin H. Schrag
Professor of History and Philosophy, Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania

SPECIAL MUSIC–“Let’s Just Praise the Lord”
The Quiet Singers,
Pretty Prairie, Kansas

REMARKS–“Legacy of Turkey Red Winter Wheat”
Mr. George Voth
Executive Vice President, Far-Mar-Co

OFFERTORY HYMN–“Lead On, O King Eternal”

ADDRESS–“Mennonites From a Kansas Perspective”
Robert W. Richmond
State Archivist, Kansas State historical Society

Reading of plaques–Brian Stuck, Donald Krehbiel, Dorothy Miller,
Stanley Kaufman, Mark Stucky, Mrs. Jeanette Roberts,
Mrs. Marcella Schrag

Dedication Litany

We are assembled to praise God, express appreciation, acknowledge the importance of others in our lives and commemorate the coming of our forefathers one hundred years ago. God has been good to our people. There have been times of hardship and tribulation, but HE has been faithful and long suffering even when we, or our forefathers were wayward. This monument with the cross lifted above the world, resting on a solid foundation, is intended to beckon mankind to acknowledge that Thou art God, and that Thy authority extends above and beyond our own idols of materialism, nationalism, egoism, or other misleading loyalties. Today and always, we would join Peter saying: “We must obey God, rather than men.” Acts 5:29.

We dedicate this monument to THEE, Lord and to Thy honor and glory. Individually, and collectively, we commit ourselves–heart, soul, strength and mind (Luke 10:27)to THEE–Almighty–Everlasting–Creator–Judge and Loving Father–as revealed in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

In dedicating this Centennial Memorial, we are mindful of the important role others have had in the lives of our forefathers, their destiny and our heritage. The spiritual kinship of numerous Mennonite groups and their leaders, served as a source of inspiration and fellowship; among these are the brethren in South Dakota; Andreas Schrag–Swiss Volhynian representative among the twelve chosen to investigate the land, The Mennonite Board of Guardians, Bernhard Warkentin, David Goerz, Christian Krehbiel, and many others. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Santa Fe Railroad for the Immigrant House and the land given for religious and educational use in 1874 on which this monument stands. We gratefully acknowledge the political and religious liberties and economic opportunities found here in America, along with the warm hospitality and friendship of the American people in the past century.

in dedicating this Memorial we express appreciation to all who gave materially or spiritually to our forefathers or to us. We acknowledge that the friendship, services and goods provided, have contributed to our well-being. We are grateful for the opportunity to live in a land which seeks to provide liberty and justice for all. We are particularly indebted to those public servants–local, state and national–who in times of tension acknowledge the importance of conscience and the priorities of the Christian faith.

In dedicating this monument, we recognize the foresight of those who brought field, flower, fruit and garden seeds and the hard labor involved in planting and harvesting. These seeds of hope, life and nourishment have helped to make Kansas the bread-basket of the nation.

In dedicating this Centennial Center, we remember the legacy of Christian faith and character in our heritage, such as integrity, frugality, compassion and others. Help us, Oh Lord, to be ever mindful of those in need and enable us to share the seeds of loving concern–intellectually, spiritually and materially–as needed.

These stones, plaques and ribbons of stainless steel have been assembled as an expression of gratitude to THEE, Oh Lord. They symbolize a faith and an attempt by “one generation . . . /to/ commend THY works to another. . . . They recite the story of Thy abounding goodness and sing of THY righteousness with joy.” (Psalm 145:4, 7). The beauty and majesty of architecture, landscaping and script are brought together here to provoke thoughtful reflection, understanding, appreciation, and adoration and to witness to the present and future generations. The Memorial Center itself provides an essential link with the past, especially with the Immigrant House and settlement of 1874, and the present as it speaks to us and relates to the Turkey Red Wheat Trail and the future as visitors and descendants are challenged by the vision of Christian faith set forth in this tradition.

It is our hope and prayer, that this Centennial Memorial will encourage people to acknowledge THY sovereignty and experience, THY abiding presence so that our Lord’s prayer may increasingly be fulfilled–“THY kingdom come; Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” To these ends and for these purposes, we dedicate this Centennial Memorial.

Dedicatory Prayer
Dr. E. G. Kaufman
Pres. Emeritus, Bethel College
North Newton, Kansas

Special Recognition


Closing Prayer and Benediction
Rev. Marvin Zehr
West Zion Mennonite Church

First Mennonite Church of Christian
Moundridge, Ks.

First Mennonite Church
Pretty Prairie, Ks.

Hopefield Mennonite Church
Moundridge, Ks.

The Kingman Mennonite Church
Kingman, Ks.

First Mennonite Church
Burns, Ks.

The First Mennonite Church
McPherson, Ks.

The Salem-Zion, Salem Mennonite Churches
Freeman, So. Dak.

West Zion Mennonite Church
Moundridge, Ks.

MEMORIALS Continued from page 4

In memory of MR. and MRS. BEN B. HARDER
by the children: (Floyd Graber)
In memory of MR. and MRS. JAKE K. GRABER
by Walter W. Graber
In memory of MR. and MRS. JOE C. GRABER
by Joe C. Graber Jr.
In memory of MR. and MRS. PETER J. GRABER
by Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Kaufman
In memory of MR. and MRS. ERNEST JUHNKE
by Mrs. Dan Schrag, Walter Juhnke, Carl Juhnke, and Wm. Juhnke
In memory of MR. and MRS. J. N. KAUFMAN
by Linda and Viola Kaufman
In memory of MR. JACOB P. KAUFMAN
by J. J. Kaufman
In memory of MR. JACOB P. KAUFMAN
by Peter E. Kaufman
by Ella Mae (Mrs. J. J.) Kaufman
In memory of MR. and MRS. S. P. KREHBIEL
by Esther (Mrs. Walter) Foth and Elma (Mrs. Joe J.) Goering
by Kathryn Krehbiel Parker
In memory of MR. JOSEPH H. SCHRAG
by Mrs. Eric Goering
In memory of PETE D. and KATIE SCHRAG
by Marvin Schrag, Jacob L. Goering, and Menno D. Voth
by Mrs. Chris S. (Marie) Goering
by Menno S. Kaufman
by Lorene Schrag, Harley J. and Ruby Stucky
In memory of LENA B. STUCKY
by Henry S. Stucky family
In memory of RUDOLPH J. and EMMA STUCKY
by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stucky
by Harley J. and Ruby Stucky, George and Marilynn Voth
by George and Marilynn Voth, Harley J. and Ruby Stucky
In memory of MR. and MRS. JOE N. WALTNER
by Harvey Waltner, Arthur C. Waltner, Mrs. Joe C. Graber
In memory of DAVE J. and ANNA (KAUFMAN) ZERGER
by Paul Zerger

The generous support of these members and friends have made the Centennial Memorial and other activities possible.

†Contributed fiscal 1973
*Contributed fiscal 1974

MEMBERS ($10.00- $49.99)
*Albrecht, Andrew, Kingman
*Albrecht, Harvey, Pretty Prairie
*Albrecht, Ralph, Kingman
†Albright, Mrs. Ida E., Pretty Prairie
*Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Orlan E., Pretty Prairie
†Becker, Ernest, Moundridge
†Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin, McPherson
*Casebeer, John W., McPherson
*Daum, Jacob, McPherson
†*Duerksen, Mrs. George W., Wichita
*Eden Deacon Fund, Moundridge
*Flickinger, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin, Pretty Prairie
†Flickinger, Richard, Moundridge
*Flickner, Arlo, McPherson
*Flickner, Eldon, Moundridge
*Flickner, Joe, Kingman
*Flickner, Margaret, Kingman
*Gehring, Anna B., Moundridge
*Gehring, Marlo P., Moundridge
†Goering, Art J., Newton
*Goering, Ben J., Moundridge
*Goering, Dan W., McPherson
†Goering, Mrs. Elva, Pretty Prarie
*Goering, Harold H., Moundridge
*Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Pretty Prairie
*Goering, Jonas R., Buhler
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W., McPherson
*Goering, Martin H., McPherson
†Goering, Myron (for services rendered) Halstead
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Martin J.P., Moundridge
*Goering, Pete, McPherson
*Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Pete, Lehigh
*Goering, Victor R., Moundridge
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert H., Moundridge
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. William J., Lindsborg
†Graber, Agnes, Moundridge
†Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Al, Pretty Prairie
†Graber, Art H., McPherson
†Graber, C. J, Moundridge
†Graber, Mrs. Ed H., Pretty Prairie
†Graber, Edna, Moundridge
*Graber, Ella B., Pretty Prarie
*Graber, Mrs. Elsie, Hutchinson
*Graber, Mr. and Mrs. J. E., Partridge
†Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Jake C., Pretty Prairie
†*Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Joe C., Pretty Prairie
*Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E., Pretty Prairie
*Graber, Mrs. Lydia, Pretty Prairie
†Graber, Mr. and Mrs. M. C., Newton
*Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Pretty Prairie
*Graber, Milton C., Newton
*Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Walt E., Pretty Prairie
†*Grundman, Mr. and Mrs. Milton, Moundridge
†Harris, Sharon, Tulsa
*Holliday, Roscoe, Kingman
*Jantz, Alvin, Moundridge
†Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E., Arizona
†Juhnke, Candace, McPherson
†Juhnke, Janet, McPherson
†Juhnke, Ruth, McPherson
*Juhnke, William Jr., Lawrence
†*Kaufman, Mrs. Alice, McPherson
*Kaufman, Alvina, Moundridge
†Kaufman, Anna E., Kingman
†Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. E. G., North Newton
†Kaufman, Howard L., Moundridge
*Kaufman, Linda V., Moundridge
*Kaufman, Roland H., Moundridge
†Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. W. J., Moundridge
*Kaufman, Wilbur, Kingman
*Krehbiel, Alvin, Kingman
*Krehbiel, Alvin D., Pretty Prairie
*Krehbiel, Carl G., Moundridge
†Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Dave, Pretty Prairie
*Krehbiel, Elmer, Kingman
*Krehbiel, Elmer C., Kingman
†Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Emil H., Pretty Prairie
†Krehbiel, Ernest M., Moundridge
*Krehbiel, Esther, Rosalia
*Krehbiel, Esther, Kingman
*Krehbiel, Gilmer, McPherson
*Krehbiel, Mrs. H. A., Pretty Prairie
†Krehbiel, Harry, McPherson
†Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L., Pretty Prairie
†Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Herman J., Moundridge
*Krehbiel, Mrs. Homer Jr., McPherson
*Krehbiel, John P., Moundridge
†Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Jake W., Moundridge
*Krehbiel, Joe, McPherson
*Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Joe H., Pretty Prairie
*Krehbiel, Jonas J., Moundridge
*Krehbiel, Leonard, Rago
*Krehbiel, Merlin, Galva
†Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin R., Pretty Prairie
*Krehbiel, P. O., McPherson
†Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, Hutchinson
†*Krehbiel, Ruth, Moundridge
†*Krehbiel, Ted M., McPherson
*Livingston, Bruce, Kingman
*Livingston, S. B., Kingman
†Moeller, Mr. and Mrs. Donald, Overland Park
*Ortman, Mrs. Wm. J., Freeman, S.D.
*Regehr, Robert, Moundridge
*Schrag, Arthur G., McPherson
†Schrag, Mrs. Dan H., Moundridge
†*Schrag, Dwayne D., Texas
*Schrag, Edwin, Moundridge
*Schrag, Elmer, Kingman
*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L., McPherson
*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Galen, Pretty Prairie
*Schrag, Harold W., Moundridge
*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Harold, McPherson
†Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J., McPherson
*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. John A., Pretty Prairie
*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. John M., McPherson
*Schrag, Marie, Moundridge
*Schrag, Milo E., Moundridge
*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben P., Windom
*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E., Pretty Prairie
*Schroeder, Ralph, Kingman
*Strausz, Paul, Kingman
*Stucky. Albert, McPherson
*Stucky. Alfred, Moundridge
†Stucky, Brian, North Newton
†Stucky, Connie, Denver
*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Pretty Prairie
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. David C., McPherson
†Stucky. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar, Pretty Prairie
*Stucky, Doris, Moundridge
*Stucky, Dwight, Moundridge
*Stucky, Emma Clara, Pretty Prairie
†Stucky, Felix, McPherson
*Stucky, Frieda, Moundridge
*Stucky, John R., Moundridge
*Stucky; John W., Moundridge
*Stucky, Martha, Manhattan
*Stucky, Milton, Moundridge
†Stucky, Milton, Pretty Prairie
†*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Mose, McPherson
†Stucky, Mrs. N. P., Moundridge
*Stucky, Phil H., Pretty Prairie
*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Phil N., Moundridge
†*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Phil J., Pretty Prairie
†*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Ransom, Moundridge
†*Stucky, Rita Joy, North Newton
*Stucky, Siegfried, Galva
*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Victor, Galva
†Stucky, Virgil, McPherson
†Stucky, W. Robert, McPherson
*Stucky, Wayne (for services rendered)
*Stucky, Winton, Moundridge
†Unruh, Elizabeth, Pretty Prairie
†*Vogts, Marion E., Moundridge
†Vogts, Mrs. Marjean (Zerger), McPherson
*Voran, Paul J., Kingman
*Voran, Stanley, Kingman
*Voran, Willard, Kingman
*Voth, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin A., Rosalia
†Voth, Milo, Moundridge
†*Voth. Wilbur, Moundridge
*Waltner, Arthur C., Hutchinson
*Waltner, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Pretty Prairie †Wedel, Antonio Waldo, Moundridge
†Wedel, Arlyn, McPherson
†Wedel, Mr. and Mrs. Gene, Moundridge
*H. J. Wedel, Moundridge
*Wedel, Ronald, Moundridge
*Wedel, Silas, Moundridge
†*Wedel, Willard, Pretty Prairie
†White, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, McPherson
*Zerger, Dan, Moundridge
†Zerger, Eldon D., McPherson
*Zerger, Walter, McPherson
BOOSTERS ($50.00- $99.99)
†Albright, Esther, Pretty Prairie
†Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E., Pretty Prairie
†Foth, Mrs. Walter, Newton
*Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. James Moundridge
*Goering, Ben B.J., Moundridge
*Goering, Clifford
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H., Moundridge
*Goering, Ernest’ Galva
*Goering, Gordon D.
†*Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E., Moundridge
†Goering, Mrs. Joe J., Moundridge
†*Goering, Mr. and Mrs. John W., McPherson
*Goering, Kenneth J., Galva
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E., Moundridge
*Goering, Milford W.
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Roland, Hillsboro
*Graber, Anna B., Pretty Prairie
*Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey N., Pretty Prairie
†Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Jake, Pretty Prairie
*Graber, R. A., Kingman
*Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Vic, Pretty Prairie
†Kaufman, Linda, Moundridge
*Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Paul D., Moundridge
†Kaufman, Viola, Moundridge
*Krehbiel, Albert, Kingman
*Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L, Pretty Prairie
*Krehbiel, Lee M., Pretty Prairie
†Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Lee M., Moundridge
*Meisenheimer, Wilbur, Pretty Prairie
*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin W., Hesston
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. David, Bums
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Ed R., Moundridge
†*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. (for services rendered)
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, Pretty Prairie
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E., Moundridge
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas L, McPherson
*Stucky, Silvanus, Moundridge
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Willard W., Moundridge
†Voran, Hulda, Pretty Prairie
*Voran, Myron B., Pretty Prairie
†*Voran, Mr. and Mrs. William C., Kingman
†*Voth, Mr. and Mrs. John D., Moundridge
†*Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wedel, Moundridge
*Wedel, Lillie, Moundridge
*Zerger, Homer, Moundridge
CENTENNIAL GIVERS ($100.00 – $499.99)
†Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J., Pretty Prairie
*Central Kansas Hatcheries, Moundridge
*Citizens State Bank, Moundridge
†*Goering, Adolph, Moundridge
*Goering, C. J. family, Moundridge
†*Goering, Mrs. Chris, Moundridge
*Goering, David, Galva
†*Goering, Delbert, Moundridge
†Goering, Mrs. Ed E., Moundridge
†*Goering, Eric, Moundridge
†Goering, Mrs. Eric, Moundridge
†*Goering, Ernest, Galva
*Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Homer D., Ohio
*Goering, Mrs. J. M., Moundridge
†*Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L., Kingman
*Goering, Joe J., Moundridge
*Goering, John J. F., Galva
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Leland R., Moundridge
*Goering, Melvern, Galva
†*Goering Mr. and Mrs. P. J., Pretty Prairie
*Goering, Phil J., McPherson
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J., Ethiopia
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R., Moundridge
*Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil, Galva
†Goering, Mr. and Mrs. Walter W., Hesston
*Graber, Floyd, Kingman
†Graber, Ida, Pretty Prairie
*Graber, Joe C. Jr., Pretty Prairie
†Graber, Mr. and Mrs. Walter W., Pretty Prairie
†Juhnke, Carl, Hutchinson
*Kaufman, Alfred M., McPherson
†Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo J., Moundridge
†Krehbiel, H. A., Pretty Prairie
†*Krehbiel, Mr. and Mrs. Herb J., Moundridge
†*Lichti, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Moundridge
†*Loganbill, Mr. and Mrs. Varden, Moundridge
†Pretty Prairie State Bank, Pretty Prairie
†*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Herman J., McPherson
†Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. John O., McPherson
*Schrag, Mrs. Lorene, Moundridge
*Schrag, Mrs. Marie, McPherson
†*Schrag, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, Kingman
†’Shelly, Rev. and Mrs. Andrew, Newton
*State Bank of Kingman, Kingman
*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Carl T., McPherson
†Stucky, Chris L., Moundridge
*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Dean R., Wichita
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S., Pretty Prairie
†Stucky, Herb C., McPherson
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern D., Peabody
†Stucky, Lucy, Pretty Prairie
†Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Marion J., Galva
*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Murdock
*Ultch Lumber, Pretty Prairie
†Vogt, Marlin R., Moundridge
†*Voth, Mr. and Mrs. George, Hutchinson
*Voth, Menno D., Colorado
*Walther, Gary, Germany (for services rendered)
*Walther, Waldo, Moundridge
†*Wedel, Mr. and Mrs. Art, Halstead
*Wedel, Mrs. Jean, Moundridge (for services rendered)
*Zerger, Gerhard, Moundridge
PIONEER GIVERS ($500.00 – $999.99)
†*Goering, Milo B. (for services rendered)
†*Kaufman, Menno S., Newton
†Stucky, Dale, Wichita (for legal services rendered)
†Stucky, Nathan, Indiana (for services rendered)
†*Juhnke, Mr. and Mrs. William E., McPherson
†Schmidt, Virgil P., North Newton (for services rendered)
FOUNDERS ($1000.00 and above)
*Collingwood Grain Co., Hutchinson
Hopefield Mennonite Church (for land given)
†*Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Pete E., McPherson
Regier, J. Stanley (for architectural services rendered)
†*Schrag, Peter J. P., McPherson
†*Stucky, Mr. and Mrs. Harley J.

Architect J. Stanley Regier
Glenn Benedict Architecture, Wichita

General Construction Supervisor
Milo B. Goering

Stone Mason
Vernon Wedel

Albert Stucky

Globe and Cross
William Peak, Pres.
Metal Arts, Inc., Wichita

Brass Plaques
Frank Westwood, Pres.
Service Brass and Aluminum Foundry, Inc.

The Site (land)
Hopefield Mennonite Church

The pictures are courtesy of James Stucky, PhotoGraphics North Newton
The piano comes as courtesy of Crabb’s Town and Country, McPherson

Harley J. Stucky, President
North Newton, Ks. 67117

Wm. E. Juhnke, Vice President
McPherson, Ks. 67460

Walter W Goering, Treasurer
Hesston, Ks 67062

Ed R. Stucky, Secretary
Moundridge, Ks. 67107

P. J. Goering, Exec Trustee
Pretty Prairie, Ks. 67570

In behalf of the Association, and myself, I would like to say “thanks” to all who have given time, energy, labor, leadership or other resources. Your efforts
and dedication have made the Centennial possible. Thanks.
